Please contact me by leaving a voice message or sending an email (directly or using the Contact Form).
Please let me know whether your enquiry is for individual or couples therapy. It is helpful if you can provide a little bit of context to your enquiry as well as information about your availability for sessions. This is to ensure that I might have availability to match your need before we go further. (I am often able to help with signposting to trusted colleagues in the event that I do not have current availability.)
If contacting by email, please include a mobile number I can message to let you know that an email reply has been sent - occasionally emails go astray or end up in Spam and I would hate for you to think I had not responded!
If I have availability which matches yours and it feels right for you to take the next step, we can arrange an Initial consultation, without obligation.
Next steps
Initial consultation
I allow a little extra time wherever possible for this session during which we can explore how we might work together. It is an opportunity for you to ask questions and to experience what it might be like to work with me. It is an opportunity for me to understand a little bit more about what has brought you here.
There is no commitment to meet again at this stage and I would encourage anyone to meet with several professionals if possible, to allow themselves to find the support which feels right for them.

2024 Fees
Initial consultation
Up to 60 minutes - £65
Weekly sessions
50 minutes - From £70
Initial consultation
Up to 75 minutes - £90
Weekly sessions
60 minutes - From £100
On-going sessions
On-going sessions last 50 minutes for individuals and 60 minutes for couples. They are usually scheduled for the same day and time each week.
For individuals; if your hope is to focus on a specific concern we might agree to meet for a particular number of sessions. Alternatively, we might agree to begin working on an open ended basis. In both cases, we can review what was originally agreed at any point.
For couples; I offer an additional option of an initial 4 session relationship audit - we meet together then each partner completes and returns a questionnaire before consecutive individual sessions. We then meet together to reflect on what has emerged and to agree possible areas for focus if you choose to commit to further sessions.
Payment for sessions is due on a weekly basis. I am currently not able to offer any further reduced fees.
I have chosen not to register directly with any private health insurers at this time but am always happy to provide receipts for payment if you are able to claim directly or via a company scheme. In my experience, many companies are willing to part or fully fund talking therapy so it is perhaps worth asking your employer what support may be available to you.